Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay

Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay' title='Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay' />Dota 1 Vs 1 ReplayDota 1 Vs 1 ReplayESports also known as electronic sports, esports, esports, competitive video gaming, professional video gaming, or pro gaming are a form of competition that is. Cheatbook your source for Cheats, Video game Cheat Codes and Game Hints, Walkthroughs, FAQ, Games Trainer, Games Guides, Secrets, cheatsbook. Every day, millions of players worldwide enter battle as one of over a hundred Dota heroes. And no matter if its their 10th hour of play or 1,000th, theres always. Poser - Sa Phenotypes. Price Freehttpsdev. IDSERP,5163. 1map size dimensions dev. OP, I would place my faith in Icefrog and Valve rather than Pro players opinions. Players come and go, dota game does not. The International 2017, held at KeyArena in Seattle, is the largest Dota 2 tournament in the world. This year, the prize pool reached a record 23. Que paso con el desarrollo del Dota AI se quedo en la version 6. AI 1. 2. 0 y esta tiene muchos errores y bugs ejemplo 1. Dota Best Guides Blog Archive Kardel Sharpeye,The Dwarven Sniper Guide by Widjayaman Range 5. Move Speed 2. 90 Primary AGIStr 1. Agi 2. 1 2. 4 Int 1. Damage 3. 6 4. HP 4. Mana 2. HP Regen 0. Mana Regen 0. Attack Speed 1. S7cFpJNew2s/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay' title='Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay' />Gearbox Softwares Battleborn shifts into the twilight years of its lifespan, as the developer announced today that there is no planned content after the upcoming. Our Dota 2 result shows that selfplay can catapult the performance of machine learning systems from far below human level to superhuman, given sufficient compute. In. World leading platform for esports. Play CSGO, LoL, CoD, FIFA, SC2, WoT and more against real opponents for prizes and cash. Hu8HB5DuR24/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay' title='Dota 1 Vs 1 Replay' />IAS Armor 2Kardel Sharpeye is a testament to his name and race. Using only his finely honed skills of marksmanship and his trusty rifle, he systematically destroys his opponents from afar. Taking great care to aim for the most vulnerable of areas, he is capable of severely injuring an opponent, and with a little extra time, has been known to simply dispose of an enemy in a single shot. His rifle is equipped with a secondary barrel, capable of launching a short burst of shrapnel at close range, causing massive damage. Table of Contents. I. Introduction. 1. Pro Cons. Why play Kardel II. Skill Descriptions, Build, and Explanations. Descriptions. 2. Skill build explanation. III. Item Build and Justifications. Core Items. 2. Order of Items. Core Items Justifications. Optional Items. 5. Other Items Mathcraft. IV. Strategy Discussions. Early Game. 2. Mid Game. Late Game. V. Allies and Enemies. VI. Countering Kardel. VII. Replays. VIII. Conclusion. I. Introduction. Welcome to the latest revision of Widjayamans Kardel Sharpeye guide. As many of you know this guide has undergo many, many changes as DOTA continues to evolve. Ive never expected the guide to last this long to begin with, so I am very grateful that my contribution to the DOTA community has been helpful to many of its readers. The latest map of 6. DOTA as we knew it quite drastically. Behind us are the times where a carry hero farmed all game for the prized Aegis Rapier combo to take over the game. Matches are aimed to be more team oriented now than ever, and match length is getting shorter shorter. As our understanding of the game continues to grow, its is of course necessary to reflect the change in this guide. The purpose of this guide is to help players to have a better understanding on Kardel and what I feel is the most effective way to play this hero. I play DOTA for fun and only have limited time to do it, so if you feel the urge to criticize the guide because Im not a IHLCAL player then dont bother reading the guide since Im not going to join any of that any time soon. A brief history of the guide Back in November of 0. DP lacks guides in general that of decent quality. I was still very new in DOTA started playing September 0. Kardel was my first hero. I wrote this guide solely because I liked Kardel a lot. This guide later was premiumed after the first hero guide contest despite finishing second to Sebastian. Bachs doombringer guide and thankfully still remains there until now. Am I pro Not at all. However, I have spent numerous hours to research and playtest the guide and I consider myself to be decent when it comes to writing guides communicating my thoughts if you remember way back then in 0. Im very happy to see more and more instances where better players finally take the time to write guides which are aimed for higher level play which were a rarity back then. This is a continuing growth process to DOTA community and things will only get better. CAUTION A guide should apply for situations where players are of somewhat marginally equal skill and where teamwork are reasonably potent. In game where you own so much because enemies feed you, would you even need a guide NO. Go naked rapier and you would probably still win. In a game where your teammates are total noobs, keep feeding, and you are constantly targeted in team battles, would a guide help NO. Therefore, please proceed with such mindset. Pro Cons Pro Longest range in the game Excellent harraser, last hitter, denier Near invisible bullets without any orb Excellent finisher with long range nuke Innate Bash Extremely low cooldown ultimate. Cons. Weak, weak, weak. No natural disable or escape mechanism. Low base damage. DPS Hero without Steroid spell. Movement speed on the slow side 2. Why play Kardel The first thing we need to get out of the way is why should we pick Kardel What makes him stand out above the rest In general, ranged Agility heroes are meant to be a late bloomer, item dependant, DPS hero. However, most DPS heroes have some kind of steroid spell which makes them extremely dangerous in combat. Think of Clinxs strafe, Razor Vipers frenzy, Trolls rampage. Kardel does not have a steroid like spell, which makes his job of dealing damage harder. So why should we pick him I think the first obvious advantage Kardel has over other heros is range. He has the LONGEST range in DOTA. He can shoot at towers without getting hit. Add to the fact that he has a very fast attack animation 3. Kardel is an excellent harasser, last hitter, denier. The next this is obviously Assassinate one of the best finishing move in the game. With long range of 2. This makes Kardel an excellent ganker as well,Therefore, your role in the team is first and foremost a damage dealer. Early game you should focus on harassing your enemies with your long range and getting last hit and denies. As the game progresses, you become a damage dealer ganker, quickly running in out of battle and finishing up escaping enemies. You will help your TEAM to victory. II. Skill Descriptions, Build, and Explanations. Descriptions Scatter. Shot Mana Cost 1. Cooldown 1. 2 Casting Range 7. Casting Time around 1 second AOE 2. Fire a ball of shrapnel on the air which promptly explodes, dealing damage in target area. Each pellet deals 1. Level 1 8 Pellets. Level 2 1. 2 Pellets. Level 3 1. 6 Pellets. Level 4 2. 0 Pellets. Scoffed by many and loved by others, Scattershot remains one of the lovehate skill in the game. You either love it or you dont. The pellets deal PIERCING DAMAGE, which deals deals 1. BEFORE armor reduction, and a measly 3. Its casting range is actually longer than a Towers range, so you can cast it without the tower shooting at you back provided you have line of sight of the tower. Scattershot at level 4 will kill a ranged creep instantly. Dont waste it on heroes. You most likely will deal more damage by plainly shooting at them. How To Crack Steam Accounts For. Headshot Passive. Giving chance to stun target for a short duration and dealing bonus damage. Level 1 3. 0 damage, 2. Level 2 3. 0 damage, 3. Level 3 4. 0 damage, 3. Level 4 5. 0 damage, 4. Excellent skill. Very annoying to enemies and it has a high percentage of happening. Basically a mini MKB. It actually deals longer stun duration than MKB, but it gives you less bonus damage. Headshot is considered a Ranged Bash. The damage is hero type physical damage, that means its not blockable by magic immunity and its reduced by armour type hero resistance and armour value. The stun is blockable by magic immunity. Which means, Headshot will trigger Linkens disentangle and cooldown, allowing you to then assassinate an enemy hero with Linken. BKB will ONLY block Headshots stun, but the bonus damage will still goes through. Headshot works on your own creep, which is excellent for denying. When you have MKB and both stun occurs at the same time which is highly unlikely, but possible, the latest skill learned or item acquired will override the other. For example, if you Learn Headshot level 1. MKB at level 1. 6, when both stun occurs you will deal only MKBs damage and stun duration.