Eyetoy Namtai Drivers Windows 10

Turn an Eyetoy Into a USB Webcam. Introduction Turn an Eyetoy Into a USB Webcam. Okay, so in this instructable we will be turning an Eyetoy into a webcam for Windows Vista. If I find any drivers for Windows 7 and XP I will update this post, however I have heard that the Vista driver is compatible with XP systems. Essencially what we will be doing is installinga new driver, if you dont know what that is I will explain. A driver basically allows your computer to communitcate with other software. They eyetoy is missing a driver, when plugged in your computer will recognize that it is a picturevideo device but not that it is a webcam, you need to install a driver that will allow your computer to recognize it as a webcam and use it as one. This instructable should cost you no money, assuming that you already have an eyetoy. The driver download is free. Step 1 Step 1 Designating Your Model. The first thing you want to do is check out what model you have. If you have one of the older ones it should be a logitech, if you have the newer silver one it should be a namtai. Core Javaserver Faces 3Rd Edition Pdf. You can also check this by checking your device manager via the control panel, it should designate it as either a logitech or namtai. The EyeToy is a color digital camera device, similar to a webcam, for the PlayStation 2. The technology uses computer vision and gesture recognition to process images. Next what you want to do is go to this website http search. This is the result of searching eyetoy on www. Select one of the two choices as shown in the picture below, choosing either the Namtai or Logitech version of the driver. Also make sure you are selecting an option with the author by the name of Thomas Dobson. Step 2 Step 2 Downloading. Next you want to proceed to download the file you selected. The download button should say Download Now no viruses detected Go through all of the download steps. Just a note, it will ask you if you live in a 5. Countries like the US and Japan are 6. Also you will most likely encounter a box that just says and the option to click OK, it doenst mean something went wrong so just click OK and continue. Free Xbox Live Gold Trial Membership. Finish the download and your Eyetoy will be a fully functional webcam Its actually a pretty high picture quality so have funEyetoy Namtai Drivers Windows 10Eyetoy Namtai Drivers Windows 10Eyetoy Namtai Drivers Windows 10Using the Sony EyeToy as a USB WebCam on your PC Today, I had the idea of using a USB PC webcam with my Sony PS2. In the past few years, the Sony EyeToy webcam for. Lisa Mcclendon You Are Holy there.