Import Microsoft Project To P6
Differences-Between-Primavera-P6-and-MS-Project-in-planning.jpg' alt='Import Microsoft Project To P6' title='Import Microsoft Project To P6' />XER File Slow To Import to P6 Try Cleaning POBS Data. The other day one of our Plan Academy members called our support line with an unusual P6 problem. Im always happy to help out our members solve P6 problems, even when its 4 3. Friday afternoon before Im off on a full week of vacation. OK. Full disclosure here. I had already powered down my laptop for the weekend and was just about to grab something ice cold and carbonated when the phone rang. I was hoping it was something we could solve quick or that I had already written a solution for. I was tired, and it was hot in the office. The patio was calling. This wasnt how I was expecting to wrap up my week. Oh well. The call was was from Doug not his real name from Alberta, a Plan Academy member who works for a large national construction companyand he was having problems with an XER file he was sending to a client. Smarter and costeffective way to work with XER and XLS project schedules created with Oracle Primavera P6, without the need of additional license, try now Use Microsoft Excel web queries to get live NAV Net asset value data of mutual funds and update your portfolio performance. Build a portfolio tracker using. Import and export Microsoft Project schedules Import and export project and resource updates Combine schedule data from Excel via the import and export. Get data from Microsoft Project into Primavera P6 convert and load data accurately Duration 845. Greig Duncan 8,088 views. Hi. Sciforma in the Cloud version works with Letter, Thaks. How can i import XML, maybe the cloud work that way. Thanks. The recent announcement from Microsoft July 16th that launched The New Microsoft Office has certainly been generating a lot of interest, and a lot of. CASE STUDY. PRCs Risk Register was implemented into a major airport system, on the same day it was ordered, and changed the landscape of the project instantly. XER file too large Slow to Import file to Primavera P6 POBS data may be the problem. Fix XER importing by cleaning POBS XER File data. Dougs client was trying to import Dougs XER File, but it was taking hours to import Not an exaggeration Doug said it took 6 hours for the client to import his P6 XER file successfully. Something was clearly wrong. Sometimes you get those problems that just cant stay away from because its something you havent seen before and curiousity just takes over. Thats what happened here for me. I was thinking 6 hours to import How can that possibly beSo I made a bargain with myself. If I could help Doug in the next 3. Image/doduykhuongprimaverablog/k12.png?w=410&h=1&crop=1' alt='Import Microsoft Project To P6' title='Import Microsoft Project To P6' />I would reward myself with not one, but TWO ice cold carbonated bevvies. I would be on vacation after all and sometimes you have to motivate yourself Now Doug described his project schedule to me. It was a few thousand lines not uncommon and it was both resource and cost loaded. He and his client were using Primavera P6 Professional v. I did some quick research online about slow importing of XER Files, but there wasnt any obvious leads there. Heres what I suggested to Doug. Import Microsoft Project To P6' title='Import Microsoft Project To P6' />XER File Slow To Import Into Primavera P6 POBS XER File Data May Be the Culprit. Dougs XER File was clearly taking too long to import. In this case, I can see 2 things that might need addressing The XER File is is having issues. AAEAAQAAAAAAAAmFAAAAJDgxYzMwMDJjLTI2M2YtNGU1Ny1hOGI2LWY3ZGMxNTM3NTZhYQ.png' alt='Import Microsoft Project To P6' title='Import Microsoft Project To P6' />The clients machine or database is having issues. My experience is that most machines and databases dont run into slow performance issues like they used to 1. PC and those programs would grind the processor to a halt. So I was thinking there was likely something going on with the XER file. Heres what I recommended to Doug A Rather than use the XER File Format, try the XML format that P6 supports instead. The XML format functions much like the XER File format. There are some differences, but the project will come across regardless. If the XML file imports quickly, then theres a problem with the XER file. B Remove the POBS Data from the XER File. This solution was suggested recently on Planning. Planet where this POBS issue came to my attention and thanks to the smart P6 experts who suggested it there. Ill outline the steps to easily removing POBS data soon, including a tip that will be a major timesaver, but first, what did Doug do Doug opted to try suggestion B. By removing the POBS data from his XER File, we found that he was able to reduce his files size from 2. Mb down to 2. Mb Wow Thats a lot of POBS dataFor Doug, removing the P6 POBS data also reduced the import time from 6 hours to 2 minutes Thats an exponential improvement Yes, we got Doug fixed and I made it to the patio and kicked off a great vacation week. But Im not finished with this POBS issue. Im not completely sure why its cropping up right now, but Ive seen enough online grumblings about it to want to tackle it in detail. So lets dig in and get down to the bottom of POBS data and XER files in Primavera P6. What is POBS Data Since this is a fairly new issue with P6, Ive done some homework around the POBS data issue. Every Primavera P6 database has a POBS table. Looking at the Primavera P6 database schema docs, POBS stands for Performing Organizational Breakdown Structure. The POBS data isnt used yet by Primavera P6 Professional or Primavera P6 EPPM. Heres what an Oracle Support doc titled What is the POBS Table Used for and What Data is Stored in POBS Doc ID 1. Functions related to table POBS have not been implemented yet so the table has not been put to use. The table may be removed in a future release. If there is data in this table, then its probably present in the sample database and not inserted during operations performed in the application. Sidewinder Game Port To Usb Adapter on this page. That doc says it applies to Primavera P6 EPPM v. What are the problems with POBS data XER Files Another support doc discussed how the POBS table is getting overly large and affecting performance of the application. Lets cover that issue another time. However, at least 1 Bug has been logged for performance issues related to POBS data Bug 2. EXCLUDE POBS DATA FROM XER EXPORT IMPORT OPERATIONS, and the Bug had this to say about XER import issues We do not utilize the POBS table yet we exportimport the data from thistable when completing XER ExportImport. The XER exportimport should bewritten to exclude this data with XER exportimport operations of P6. Professional. So essentially, heres what we know POBS data exists in the POBS table in the P6 database. POBS data is exported and imported via XER file. POBS data isnt used for anything. Too much POBS data can affect performance of import and maybe exportI have a hunch that POBS data is related to Primavera Cost Manager, a now defunct cost management solution that was once part of the Primavera suite years ago. Primavera Cost Manager integrated tightly with P6 Professional and looking at documentation that still exists, there was a concept of a Performing Organizational Breakdown Structure in Cost Manager. But alas, only Oracle can confirm this. How Can I Clean POBS Data From My XER FileNOTE a simple alternate solution is provided at the bottom of this postWeve already shown you how can you clean global data from XER Files with the XER File Parser, but this solution is much simpler. Let me start by saying you can do this the s. Let me show you how its done. First, export your project to an XER file. Since XER files are actually text files, you can edit them with a text editor like notepad. Heres what one looks like when you open it up Were going to delete a section of data from the file. To denote a new section, look for a T. To find the POBS section, look for T POBS. That indicates the start of the POBS data in your file. You should see it somewhere near the top of the file in first 1. Above, you can see it on line 2. Deleting POBS Data. Basically, the process is to delete all lines starting from and including the T POBS line, until the next T in the file. Musiq Soulchild Aijuswanaseing. Do not delete the next T line. So if youre using notepad, you can simply highlight this huge swath of text and hit delete. In my example above, theres less than 2. But youll see that the amount of POBS data isnt consistent. Heres a short 3. The image above might be more typical. Mitsubishi Gx Developer Trial'>Mitsubishi Gx Developer Trial. The POBS data spans from line 2. Most of this file is POBS dataSo if youve got a huge file and a huge amount of POBS to clear out of your XER file, let me know you the quick way to clean it. The Quick Way to Clean POBS Data From a P6 XER File. Lets begin. First, youll need some better text editing tools than simple Windows Notepad. Im recommeding Notepad free and easy to use. Its worth the download Make a backup of your XER File first.